I am a Planetary Climate scientist studying rocky Exoplanets.
My work aims to advance our capabilities for exoplanet climate characterization by advancing planetary climate theory, guiding target selection, and developing new mechanisms to translate observational data into robust planetary climate assessments for researchers and the public.

My research investigates the role of atmospheric and ocean dynamics in creating a habitable Earth-like planet. My current work explores the climate regimes of rocky
exoplanets, from Dune-like land planets to Synax-like ocean worlds.
I focus on systems with dimmer red and orange stars (M- and
K-dwarfs) because their habitable zone planets can more easily
be detected and observed. These stars are also by far the most
abundant in our observable universe (over 80%), such that they will play a central role in the coming decade’s search for habitable and inhabited worlds.

My research interests are at the intersection between Earth and Planetary Sciences. I have sought to leverage our knowledge of Earth's climate system to facilitate a deeper understanding of planetary climates and their fundamental properties.
My work explores the fundamental physics that controls all planetary atmospheres and oceans, including our own, focusing on large-scale dynamics. I use general circulation models (GCMs) to investigate Earth-like planets' energy and moisture budgets and the resulting planetary surface climates and observable
I am especially interested in exploring new climate regimes unique to exoplanets, such as the terminator habitability regime.